October 10-11, 2008 Class reunions
 '63, '68, '73, '78
 '83, '88, '93, '98

Alumni Days
   2008 reunion photos      Classes of '38, '43, '48, '53, '58

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Graduation speakers urge:

Welcome others, welcome change

Welcome strangers as a way of life, approach the future with an open mind for change, apply your learning … and heartfelt “Thanks!” were the messages of Graduation Day 2008 at Manchester College.

The College awarded a Master of Accountancy, 153 Bachelor of Science degrees, 37 Bachelor of Arts degrees, two associate degrees and two honorary degrees to Loren Finnell ’64 and Donald E. Miller ’51x on a cool, breezy afternoon … speeches and more!

Who was your favorite professor?

We asked graduating seniors in the Class of 2008, “Who was your favorite professor?”

 The response was so tremendous, we started a web page to tell their stories.

MC alumni have favorite professor stories of their own to tell. Stories about teachers who inspired, mentored, guided, amazed, befriended you. Don’t be shy: Who was your favorite Manchester College professor? Just click here!

Women win HCAC All-Sports trophy

fourth straight year

On the wings of two conference championships and strong showings in track and field and volleyball, Manchester women took their fourth-straight All-Sports Trophy in the Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference more

Two more Manchester scholars

to teach abroad as Fulbrights


One is a free spirit with glorious voice, a student of martial arts whose passion for environmental service runs as deep as his certainty that his calling is to teach history to high school students. 


The other methodically approaches his future with service fulfilled in another language, jamming a full school year and three January sessions abroad into his four-year, high-honor bachelor’s degree.


Two more Manchester College graduates join the elite roster of Fulbright scholarship recipients … more

Alumni Spotlight

The Indiana Academy inducts Dave Haist ’73
of Do It Best, Manchester College


David A. Haist '73Manchester College leader David A. Haist ’73 has been inducted into The Indiana Academy for his lifetime achievement and contribution to Indiana.


Haist, of Spencerville, Ind., is executive vice president and chief operating officer of Do It Best Corp. He also is former chair of the Manchester College Board of Trustees … more

June 30 is the last opportunity to support

The Manchester Fund this fiscal year


It’s time to close the books on another fiscal year for The Manchester Fund, the source for the most urgent and pressing needs of the College.

Click here for details about this important fund and how to make sure your contribution count for the 2007-2008 fiscal year.

  More Manchester College news
Support Manchester
Fiscal year ends June 30

Leland Shaw
Angola, Ind
Class of '09

"I found an opportunity to succeed. With as dedicated as the professors and staff are to students' success not only in college, but also after graduation, I know that after I leave I'll be ahead of the curve."

Read more student profiles at myplace@mc >

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Manchester College Office of Alumni Administration | 888-257-ALUM (2586) |